What to do if you identify signs of neurodivergence?

Do not condemn yourself!

Don’t blame anyone!

Don’t ignore it and hope that it will go away!

While some children reach developmental milestones at different paces or have distinct personalities, others may demonstrate neurodivergent behaviour associated with neurodivergent conditions not limited to autism, dyslexia, ADHD, intellectual disabilities, and other mental health diagnoses.

Noticing your child behaving differently from their peers can be concerning.




NEURODIVERSITY is a challenging journey for every person touched by variances in brain function,

and for those who love them.



Neurodivergent conditions affect how a person communicates, understands, learns, and behaves.

At CIRO we explore options to help you navigate your new normal. We provide support through the complex features of neurodiversity and highlight the individual’s strengths.

Neurodivergent tests at CIRO help individuals and parents obtain a clinical diagnosis and best options of support, from a doctor.

What Is Neurodivergent Testing?

Why Is It Important for Parents to Understand?

Neurodivergent testing involves screening and assessing individuals who may demonstrate a typical neurological development or functioning.

These tests can identify core traits and areas needing more support.

One can also learn valuable insights into their own or their loved one’s talents, limitations, and learning styles, ultimately improving their quality of life and how they interpret the world.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Children with ADHD or ASD, like all children, have unique strengths and talents. They see the world in a different way, and with the right support, they can thrive and make valuable contributions to our society.


For children with ADHD, getting the right diagnosis and treatment can improve their ability to focus, learn, and succeed in school and beyond.


ADOS 2: This test evaluates behaviour, communication, and social interaction to help diagnose autism through observational assessment by a trained clinician.

ADHD: Screening Survey, alongside interviews & comprehensive evaluation.

Dr. Cindy Narasimooloo

Dr. Ronelle Moodliar

+27 (31) 648-0030

1 Ivy Rd, Ivy Park Unit 11/12, Pinetown