

Dr. Cindy Narasimooloo

& Dr. Ronelle Moodliar

+27 (31) 648-0030

1 Ivy Road, Ivy Park, Unit 11/12, Pinetown, 3610

Family physicians who take special interest in mental wellness, including assessments for neurodiversity in adults and children.

To provide holistic, individualized, culturally relevant care that optimises mental health for the individual, their families, and their communities.

Meet the Doctors

Dr. Cindy

Dr. Cindy is a Specialist Physician in Family Medicine.

She obtained her undergraduate Degree in Medicine in 2001 and a Masters in 2010.

Dr. Ronelle

Dr. Ronelle qualified as a medical doctor in 2003 and as a specialist in family medicine in 2012.

Ciro Medical Practitioners

“Family physicians who take special interest in mental wellness, including assessments for neurodiversity in adults and children.”

Every Mind Matters

To provide holistic, individualized, culturally relevant care that optimises mental health for the individual, their families, and their communities.